Struggle of Technical Analysts in Bangladesh – Part 2

In recent times,DSE has closed the ‘mst’ file from which we,TAs,would extract EOD data.

Now,that is another unnecessary blow to the world of TA!!

They have tried to stop the TAs to get EOD data. NOT INTRADAY. It is EOD data. A very astonishing step to take. Because EOD data is generally kept free in most stock exchanges in the world.

Why the heck they would do that? There is basically no ‘rational’ reason,actually,except for “EXPLOITING” the TAs to give them ‘money’! Yes,it is all about ‘money’! They are demanding an irrational amount of 60,000 taka for anyone to get EOD data from them. Now,that kind of ‘GREED’ shows how fucked up this country and its institutions are!!

TAs in BD are not superrich,neither they are in plenty!!! Why exploit such a small group of people!?!?!?

Yes,all exchanges of sell data to third party vendors. But those datas are of Intraday. NOT EOD!!!

All exchanges of the world make EOD data available for the traders,even if through the vendors,free!!. For example,you can easily download EOD data from Yahoo and Google without any charge. But you cannot download Intraday data from them. I developed tools to download EOD data from Google and Yahoo for free. But I cannot download Intraday data free of cost….(though,Metatrader gives you both Intraday and EOD data free of cost of Forex market,biggest financial market of the world).

EOD and Intraday-that is the difference.

EOD data,which DSE wants to restrict,must be free even through the so called ‘vendors’,as it is our right(we pay tax and commission….remember?). We are not asking anything free!!! We pay tax and commission,and hence we have the right to get EOD data/data of the stock movements.

BUT like all exchanges of the world,DSE can and SHOULD charge for Intraday data only. I/we have no objection in this regard! At first,know the different types of data being provided by the vendors/exchange…and the different types of data that we TAs ‘need’!

The basic rule is,you can get the “OHLCV” Eod data from any exchange. But if you want ‘data feed’ of EOD or Intraday you have to use “API” provided by the vendors.And that vendor could charge(not charge) for the API,as they have server to maintain.You are paying for the server mostly,not for the EOD data( doesn’t charge for EOD data)…..But when it comes to intraday data,you have to ‘pay’.

Here is an example of Bombay Stock Exchange which has kept EOD data open for anyone in the world to get FREELY….Here!

Even though,we TAs found other ‘means’ to extract EOD data,it is NOT fair to try to EXPLOIT us for just getting ‘money’!!

Shouldn’t Dhaka Stock Exchange be ‘trader friendly’? I rest this question to the future TAs and think over what DSE/SEC is doing against us in an unfair way!!

FUCK IT…..We will be alive,shining and kicking,as we have been been doing since 2007 onwards….!!!

This is the second part of my two parts articles on the condition of TAs in Bangladesh! Here is the first part




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